NASM-CPT — Behavior Change Specialist & NASM-YES — Youth Exercise Specialist


David graduated from Towson University in 2019 with his Bachelors in Exercise Science. Prior to college, David has always been an athlete. Learning more about anatomy and physiology he became a better athlete and decreased his chances of injury, got his first personal trainers certification in 2011, then gained over 10 years of personal training experience and has strived to educate his clientele. David has also spent over 4 years in the clinical setting, working with patients immediately post surgery to begin rebuilding physical and mental strength, and educating on how and why to continue progressing forward. David has always trained by educating and mentoring his clientele to think critically and creatively for their health and wellness.


David's approach to training starts with identifying goals, training/health/injury history, movement assessment and education, understanding potential barriers to reach goals, and setting realistic and attainable milestones to ensure ongoing motivation to push farther than a client realizes they’re capable. “We can set all the goals we want, but unless they’re meaningful, specific, and reasonable, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. Rather than creating the expectation that we have to meet these milestones all at once and creating an impossible scenario, make habits and behavior change possible by being honest with ourselves and setting reasonable and attainable goals.”